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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

sábado, 18 de enero de 2025

Timelines Clearing

Beloved Ones,

Many of us are now leaving behind a personal cycle within another planetary one we are heading into. A New Cycle represented by Aquarius, whose energies are now present within us, as the sun enters into this sign, together with Mercury, and a New Moon on the 29th of the month. This is an important passage for us to focus on clearing at all levels, for as Aquarius reminds us, to rebirth into illumined beings, first, we need to clear all that covers our Light. 

My Guides share the importance during this time to clear personal timelines, as we move into a New Era, as many of us, are being challenged to leave old ways, habits, relationships, and ways of being, and adapt to change at the moment, surrendering to what our Unified Self is perfectly orchestrating for us and All.

Acceptance is key to embracing our power. We should work on what we can change, not on what, or who we cannot, for our power lies in what we can change. This is why we can only shift our personal trajectory, in this present moment and in our parallel ones, for as ascending souls we have the responsibility to heal, clear, and transform our timelines as desired, for the greatest good of all, healing distortions and shifting outcomes for our parallel selves.

Understanding the importance of soul retrieval and timeline clearing, before creating new timelines, is vital to starting anew and allowing new energies in. When we are prepared to cancel timelines, neutralize them, or transform them, we literally change our present, future, and past, allowing our past selves to experience other possibilities, within the multiple realities that coexist.

Once we consciously activate our multidimensionality, our consciousness can navigate through time and space, making the necessary changes, from our present moment, required for us to heal all of who are, ever have been, or will be. This creates new timelines, in which the original wound is healed and dissolved, so we can also bring healing into our familiar lineage, for many of you are incarnated with this exact purpose of healing, epigenetically, your familiar lineage.

With Aquarian energies come self-liberation, and empowerment to be who we are, shifting, as conscious sovereign beings in charge of our own lives, anything we can for the highest good of All.

This is a propitious time to start a clearing treatment, to bring purification to our entire being, after a period of termination, for we are transitioning into a new timeline in which if we still carry any old frequencies, we will be pulled back into old ways of being and situations, for we cannot coexist with what is not aligned to the new frequency that we are embodying.

To bring clearing into your parallel selves, choose a timeline in which you experienced profound trauma. Locate the wound you wish to address and heal or the situation you now, from a more evolved level of consciousness, choose to shift. You can also dissolve this specific situation, as guided.

Once you locate the specific timeline, often past one, do not remain in the situation for long, as it can bring regrets or lower feelings, into your present self and moment. Witness it from the outside, from a Higher Perspective, and visualize the painful moment vanishing, being dissolved by God's Diamond crystalline Light, bringing peace and harmony into your past self and present one.

If you have chosen to transform the situation, then you can visualize it happening in a different, benevolent way, for All involved in it, shifting this past timeline into a more benevolent one, and hence shifting your present and future ones, helping your past self not having to pass through the same painful experience.

As you make your choice of consciously heal, dissolve, or transform your personal timeline, decree:

I, (your name, optional), ask my Unified Self and Guides team to assist me in this personal timeline-clearing exercise.

Thank you for helping me situate my Consciousness on this specific timeline that traumatized me or caused me pain and that I wish to clear for my present self and parallel ones. (now think of the specific event, you can even mention the exact day or time, without remaining there or feeling anger or lower feelings, just visualizing the situation you want to neutralize)

I, from my free will, ask to release, remove, and clear all the wounds, cords, records of these painful experiences, and non-benevolent influences from this timeline, cutting ties with my present timeline and those involved in it, removing its repercussions through time and space, and within my DNA, dissolving this memory, all residual feelings, realigning time coordinates, and all that is required to shift this timeline. 

I keep the lesson, I keep the love and the higher understanding from this situation, letting go of pain and retrieving more peace and harmony in my entire being. 

I therefore heal, clear, and remove all distortions, damage, and past influences, from this chosen timeline, all my bodies and DNA, becoming free to create a new timeline, from a space of unconditional love for myself and All.

So be it.

Thank you, my Unified Self and Guides team, for your assistance and unconditional support.

After concluding this exercise, we ground ourselves, by being in nature, eating some nuts, or by coming back into our bodies in the way we choose to do so, and continue focusing only on that which our soul is giving birth in this moment.

May you create only that which brings you love, joy, and many abundant blessings, Beloveds.

Withing Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025

Planetary Upgrades

Beloved Ones,

As a result of our transition into a new dimensional sphere, our planet is undergoing massive changes. One of the most recent ones I was shown last night, as a stabilizer, is occurring in our planetary shield, which can be seen now as an Aurora/Rainbow sphere, protecting the Earth's new timelines, and the authentic Earth's records and Consciousness, damaged through eons of manipulation and false holographic planetary inserts.

Many of you, as New Earth's Anchors, and Stabilizers, are too supporting the planetary shift taking place during this time, in many different ways. Our nervous system is especially impacted by the many energies we daily cope with, in our attempt to help reinforce the recent changes. During these stages drinking only pure water, and eating consciously is essential for the fascia and nervous system to act as light conductors of these new earth's Light, for as Stabilizers, our body channels need to be free of obstructions and as balanced as possible. 

Our nervous system and fascia act as energetic receivers, as well as our DNA receivers too, transmitting impulses, information, and what we call light, to our entire body, which is too connected, once our light body is activated to the planetary crystalline net we work with.

Personal challenges together with our planetary mission can be really hard to cope with at times. Keeping the ego balanced being in complete flow and surrendering to what happens helps us to accept and embrace any situation we may have to experience. 

As my guides said: The greater the initiation, the greater the challenge. Remember that when you are being challenged beyond your human understanding. Often what we see as a failure, from our human mind, is a success, at a soul level.

Trust, let go, continue, move forward. All is well. We do not need to see it at the moment.

As the process of planetary liberation continues, we will be placed where required to continue acting as light harmonic pillars, for we not only assist at these levels but on many others that are equally important to sustain this shift.

This year I have just been informed by my Guides team, which includes the Auroras, of the Diamond/Rainbow pillars that are being created on the planet, to sustain the new Earth's Consciousness and passages that are to support those ready for the last stage of physical ascension.

These are planetary fabrics and structures that help expand the new frequency that we are stepping into as well, individually, and that many of you are too anchoring on Earth, during this transitional time.

Many of you are earth's records keepers, whose mission is to retrieve the earth's original wisdom, and will be too now fully immersed in traveling to achieve this mission for future generations, as well as for its translocation into the new earth's records.

To help reinforce the planetary shield and the many changes that are now taking place, my Guides shared the following locations, although you will be guided to the ones that are unique to you:

  • South Carolina, USA, Charleston - clearing false 7th dimensional structures, so the Diamond/Rainbow shield can continue to be replaced. 
  • Iran, East.
  • Chile, Easter Island - as the Earth's original record keeper location that connects to All dimensions. This is to retrieve wisdom and work on interdimensional work, this location does not need clearing.
  • Johannesburg, Africa.
  • Lake Titicaca, it extends from Peru to Bolivia.
  • Thar desert, India.
  • Iraq

There will be many others that you are physically or remotely guided to go or work with, that will be uniquely given to you, as part of your planetary mission.

Let us All unite our Hearts to continue assisting in all we can in this transition. Remember that we are humble Divine Conduits, emissaries, and helpers in this mission that the Higher Beings and Forces are undergoing. 

Our task is to remain humble, open-minded, and hearted, to the Divine's Will and guidance, and be light pillars to support the opening in Consciousness that is taking place on our planet, even though it is a plane to experience polarization, and we will always see both forces and energies at play, the New Earth has been created and our daily actions contribute to continuing anchoring and stabilizing it.

Thank you for all you do to assist in our planetary transition beloveds.

May you remain in our compassionate neutral Hearts for you and All Living Forms of Consciousness.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba