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Natalia Alba

Welcome Ascending Souls! I AM grateful to share this Ascension path of soul remembrance with you Beloved Ones. A journey, from duality to unity, transcending matter through Spirit, as Ascension is nothing but the descension of our soul into our human being. I honor and thank you all for sharing this sacred space with me!

I AM a free sovereign being in an path of Soul remembrance and selfless assistance to others. And so are You ~ I AM a free sovereign being expressing my Truth with integrity and Love ~ I AM the creator of my life experience, the Source of Love and limitless resources of my physical world. And so are You

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2024

Aurora Planetary Reconfiguration & Emerald Body Activation

Beloved Ones,

We are now experiencing the peak of the Aurora planetary reconfiguration that has been occurring all this year, and that together with the solar maximum period of this 11-year cycle of profound solar activity, is creating a massive transfiguration in the planet. Our Aurora family and the Emerald Ray are now assisting the elementals in their process of ascension, for not only we are ascending but all living forms. A long process that will intensify during this summer and that is assisting in the individual, and planetary reconstruction happening at this time.

Many of you witnessed last night the massive Aurora transmissions that reigned our Heavens. Transmissions that together with the ones from our Central Sol are deeply impacting both our bodies through the light codes that are helping us reconfigure our DNA and our magnetic fields, which are shifting as you know, as many of you as planetary workers will be immersed now in the rehabilitation of the many reversals that still run throughout 3D grids.

The Auroras and Sol transmissions have a unique sound frequency we may not be able to hear, but we can strongly feel that is shifting many anomalies in the Earth's core, activating many dormant structures and ley lines that many of you will be too supporting as you are called to support this planetary mission. 

As I shared the other day, we are undergoing a massive transformation as never before in our human history. The current planetary transmissions are causing many sensations that as I always say are natural of our conscious choice to evolve.

My Guides shared these transmissions are going to support the transfiguration of not only the elementals but of our first and second chakras, which as humans hold the majority of our traumatic experiences. Many of you are now healing eons of repressions, familiar and relationship traumas, and fears of survival, between many other personal issues you may have as part of our personal human and galactic history. This creates anxiety, for the body has been accustomed to living with fear for so long, that finding peace and wholeness destabilizes the ego. 

As we learn to remain in our hearts and know what our bodies uniquely need for our personal process, we can find a more harmonic space while we continue rebirthing into the illumined beings that we are, in essence. Conscious nutrition is vital, remembering that sugar kills our mitochondria, and hence energy, causing massive changes within our DNA structure, as well as other foods that too poison our organic essence and unique light coding.

Drink pure water, or as pure as you can, as the only natural conductor of the current energies. I know some find water boring, but it is the most powerful, especially once we program it, organic conductor for our bodies to release and embrace the current transmissions.

Going out and consciously embodying the Sol transmissions is essential as well to receive, decreeing with pure intention what is our purpose in co-creating/embodying these energies, for we are the ones commanding, and directing these energies towards our bodies.

Sound crystal therapy is another powerful healer to remain in our chosen harmonic frequency, as it repels lower energies, and helps restore our bodies by removing small blockages, especially if we live in areas where we are exposed to pollution and many other environmental inorganic essences that dim our life force. 

The embodiment of our higher three-dimensional chakras is not an easy process, for it is a long-term one, however, it is precisely what triggers ascension, for we have finally moved from the 3D planes, into the 5D and 6D ones, working on soul reconnection and DNA rehabilitation to proceed with our mission of transforming ourselves as species. 

For those who have embodied their higher chakras, removing old membranes, for this is precisely what the Auroras are helping us with, you are now ready to start working on the activation and retrieval of your crystalline-silica DNA and Emerald body, for these transmissions are bringing us the opportunity to reconnect to our Higher Heart, monadic self, both connected to our thymus and eight chakra and continue awakening your crystalline essence.

This is a year of great acceleration for all of us, as we are reconnecting to our sixth, seventh, and eighth selves/dimensions, preparing to move from duality to trinity, as the first step to achieve unity. As we consciously embody the Sol-AR (Aurora) emanations we are being transmitted, we may feel how our old life, aspects of ourselves, ego and situations vanish, for the frequencies we are now working with neutralize all that is not aligned to who we are becoming.

As my Guides shared yesterday, all you fight will persist, and all you embrace will be unified. This is vital for us at a time when focusing on our bodies and mission is key, not to allow anything to disturb our sacred space, our unique role within Creation, and above all our inner peace. 

Being neutral is challenging sometimes, but it is what brings us into a total space of complete surrender, compassionate witnessing, and empowerment to be able to discern, remove what creates anomalies in our bodies and field, and empty ourselves to embrace again.

I wish you a loving embodiment, Beloveds.

May you always remain within Divine Love, and compassion for All.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024

Planetary Work, May 9th, 2024

Beloved Ones, 

As ascending souls who came with a universal mission of planetary restoration, each and every one of you holds a unique light signature. A light signature as you know is the unique blueprint that defines you, energetically speaking. A signature that says who you are in frequency and the nature of your essence and mission. It is imprinted within your template and in your right hand of power, and it is the one that connects you to the right people who are meant to co-create with you, as well as the Light benevolent beings who are on a mission to help you in your journey, and all within Creation. 

When we consciously connect to other light beings, we show who we are through our light signature, as they do too, when they introduce themselves to us. It is through our light signature that we literally energetically sign when we go into the field, being accepted in our planetary work and assigned location.

As many of you know, and others who are awakening to their unique purpose, this is what differentiates us in the illumined worlds, for names are also humans, and when we move into the God Worlds we are recognized through unique light signature. 

At this time of profound planetary restoration, it is vital to learn how to use our light signature to navigate between the many dimensions and energetic vortices and passages that we need to utilize to get to our assigned planetary tasks and locations.

The spaces that we are meant to restore, heal, stabilize, or harmonize recognize our unique essence, accept our presence, and show us where we can be of assistance, which is why it is so important to embrace our telempathic abilities, knowing ourselves and remain in soul alignment to discern what we need to clear, from what we are personally experiencing.

During this month my Guides shared there are important locations to work with, restoring the divine masculine through the emerald anchoring that is taking place, and continuing with the unification planetary work that the Blue Rays are also achieving.

Israel, Iran, and Egypt are key at this time for those whose main mission involves planetary reconstruction, grids and fabrics, Divine masculine restoration, and harmonization, although there will be other areas that your soul will inform you as you integrate your mission or expand on it.

There are other Cathar/essenes locations important for planetary recalibration and unification at this time, such as the South of France, and Tintagel in the UK, in which Indigos and many others who share this mission will continue to anchor the divine female codes that are also being descended upon these locations, to help in the planetary unification that is also taking place, and whose main portal is, as I previously mentioned, on Australia, in the Uluru's site, a timeless location that is connected to Andromeda, as well as many other organic portals on the earth.

There are many 6D locations, earth's organic sites being opened, after eons of closure and deep manipulation. The work of the Indigos, as sixth dimensional beings who came already with their sixth dimensional strands activated, is to be whether remotely or physically, in the areas where this opening is possible. 

Many of you are now recalibrating your subtle bodies, rejuvenating, preparing for the massive integration that is yet to come, for we are immersed in a year of constant reconnection, from within to without, in which we barely have resting periods. 

Protection and discernment is key to remaining in our Higher Hearts, in communion with All, but holding as well healthy boundaries, so we remain in our power and personal guidance, without distractions and mental traps to drain our life force, for not everything is spiritual, as not everyone is non-benevolent, and our discernment - not judgment - to differentiate, is key to our well-being, and to know what forces we are following.

Now more than ever being united and showing faith in our mission is key, for the war over consciousness still continues. However, when our personal Will and choice is to remain always centered in the Illumined Presence of our God Self, and mission, nothing can ever disturb our mental peace, and loving hearts, for we dwell in a neutral and compassionate space, where we understand the tactics of both polarites involved in this dual plane.

Thank you for remaining in your harmonic space for you and All, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba